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The Pleistocene Redemption,
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Click a title, browse non-fiction or fiction. Click a price to buy secure from the world's largest bookstore.

See also resources at Paleoanthropological fictions and Paleoanthropological non-fictions.

African Ark:, Graham Hancock et al

"Ancient Mysteries," video

Archaeology, Colin Renfrew and Paul Bahn

Archaeology and Language, Colin Renfrew

The Ascent of Mount Carmel, St. John o.C.

Atlas of World History, G. Barraclough, ed.

Bhagavad-Gita, Sir Edwin Arnold, trans.

Bible Places Then and Now, Jenny Roberts

The Book of Mormon, Joseph Smith

Bridge to Heaven, Michael Brown

Complete Gospels, Miller/Funk et al

Crossing Threshold of Hope, Pope John Paul II

Dark Night of the Soul, St. John of the Cross

Dead Sea Scrolls Translated, F Martinez

The Discovery of the Past, Alain Schnapp, et al

The Eighth Day, Samuel Kurinsky

Fingerprints of the Gods, Graham Hancock

"Genesis: Living Conv.", video w/Bill Moyers

The Gold of Exodus, Howard Blum

The Handwriting of God, Grant R. Jeffrey

HarperCollins Study Bible, W Meeks, ed

The Koran, N. J. Dawood, trans

Man’s Search for Meaning, Victor Frankl

Message of the Sphinx, G Hancock; R Bouval

"Mysteries of the Bible" video series

Mysteries of the Bible: Enduring, Readers Digest

Mysteries & Intrigues of the Bible, J.A. Michaels

Original...Ch'an Buddhism, C Chung-Yuan, trans

Parallel Myths, J.F. Bierlein

Passion of the Saints, TLC video series

Patterns in Comparative Religion, Mircea Eliade

At Peace In the Light, Dannion Brinkley

"QuickVerse" software, Parsons Technology

Return to Sodom & Gomorrah, C Pellegrino

Saved by the Light, Dannion Brinkley

Sign...Ark of the Covenant, G Hancock

Smithsonian Timelines / Ancient World. C. Scarre

"Sphinx", videos

The Twelfth Planet, Zecharia Sitchin

The Upanishads, Eknath Easwaran, trans

When the Sky Fell, Rand and Rose Flem-Ath

Why be Jewish, Rabbi David Wolpe

Fascinating Non-fiction!

African Ark : People and Ancient Cultures of Ethiopia and the Horn of Africa, Carol Beckwith, Angela Fisher, Graham Hancock. Using disciplined research and archaeological methods, it would really appear that Hancock found the well-protected resting place of the Ark of the Covenant! The evidence cannot be dismissed, even though the tiny sacristy cannot be entered. Read this landmark work for yourself! Wonderfully well written!

Hardcover $58.50 (10%, $6.50, off retail!)


Archaeology and Language, Colin Renfrew. A lucid and fascinating study of the Indo-European language family. This important work touches upon some linguistic studies of similarities among spoken tongues. Having not drawn upon the work of Ruhlen or Pinker, however, this is a minor weakness. It is primarily (perhaps even triumphantly) an ingenious examination of patterns of development, observing the process of change, in script and all written forms of communication found through archaeology – where no such framework has ever been satisfactorily proposed. Lord Renfrew’s point that a docile lifestyle such as farming has shaped these languages remains unconvincing. However, there has never been a more authoritative or intriguing stab at a methodology for sleuthing the roots of modern Indo-European language. Refrew is a pioneer.

Paperback $19.95


"Ancient Mysteries" VHS video series, Narrated by Leonard Nemoy. You've seen it and been awed. Now own the collection for reference and clarity of viewing! Call A&E video directly.

Video not currently offered through Amazon


Archaeology, Colin Renfrew and Paul Bahn. This highly readable text is for the serious student or dedicated hobbyist. It is quite complete in that it reviews the history of the discipline and its growth in sophistication, including field, statistical and dating methods. It intriguingly relates how much knowledge of the history of humankind can be found by critical evaluation of myth, folklore and existing finds & conclusions. A definitive resource.

Hardcover $40.50 (10%, $4.50, off retail!)


Atlas of World History, Geoffrey Barraclough, ed. A sweeping yet complete atlas, relating major world events from human origins through modern times. This reference reads like a set of fascinating articles and relates events and their importance to the reader in a way which facilitates retention and comprehension. Its illustrations are full of excitement and energize the imagination. It's a handy reference, too!

Paperback $28.76 (10%, $3.19, off retail!)


Bible Places Then and Now, Jenny Roberts. A marvelous archaeological reference; a treasure! This informative and easy-reading text shows interesting photos of some of the important archaeological sites from Babylon to Athens and has plastic overlays which convert the scene into what such a photo would have looked like in antiquity! What an imagination-sparker! Well referenced also. A must for all scriptural and archaeological scholars & adventurers!

Hardcover $26.95 (10%, $2.99, off retail!)


Bhagavad-Gita, Sir Edwin Arnold, trans. A fascinating text of Hinduism. Clearly devout and focused on one God, though confusion can arise regarding saints and angels referred to as gods. There was no confusion for the writers or the faithful. Indeed, if a Christian, Muslim or Jewish reader did not know it was Hindu, most of it would appear to be one of their own prayerful texts! It sheds light upon the Indian society and upon life itself; on its meaning and depth. A must for the astute of every faith.

Hardcover, beautiful! $23.00

Paperback $6.30 (10%, $0.70, off retail!)


The Book of Mormon, Joseph Smith. Many Christians view as absurd the notion that another testament of Christ was given to J. Smith. And, yet just about all who hold that opinion have failed to read the Book and attempt to gain a sense of the divine in its words. I was one of those scoffers until I read this book. Odd. Fascinating. Mysterious. Intriguing. Inspiring. Not a bit of what one would characterize as anti-Christian; much clearly inspired if not also divine prose. It did not even come close to converting me but it did permanently expand my perspective and it enhanced my thirst for the roots of the spiritual & the human. You decide.

Paperback $7.00


The Bridge to Heaven, Michael Brown. Perhaps you don't believe the spiritual world; apparitions and revelations of Jesus and Mary in particular. Michael Brown, though a practicing Catholic, was also skeptical and extensively researched alleged occurrences and gifts surrounding Maria Esperanza of Venezuela. Reporting fact, observation, testimony and interviews, Brown maintains his journalistic objectivity. You decide. I'll guarantee you one thing: This brief work and what it examines will grab you and haunt you upon reading; perhaps, forever. Available through Marian Publications by calling (800) 886-7691.


The Complete Gospels, Miller, Funk, et al, eds. I have a serious criticism of this work and, yet, recommend it as an indispensable reference for any archaeology hobbyist or spiritual adventurer. The description of the organization and work rules of the many academics who assembled and translated this exhaustive compilation of gospel, alleged gospel and gospel-related material reveals the group to have been the epitome of haughty cynics. Nevertheless, the notes and contextual material are invaluable and no more thoroughly researched collection of such material has ever been published. Serious archaeology and spirituality enthusiasts must own and read this mesmerizing volume - or else simply refrain from discussion of such antiquities and biblical scholarship.

Hardcover $28.00

Paperback $17.10 (10%, $1.90, off retail!)

Paperback (order if other out of stock) $18.00


Crossing the Threshold of Hope, His Holiness John Paul II. This compilation of important questions put and insightful answers provided will enthrall readers of all faiths and non-believers alike. Few answers are as one would expect - and they are often extremely surprising or disturbing. Examples include the Pontiff's insight on the validity of the animist religions and aspects of Hinduism, his interpretation of history and his view of certain mystics and their insights. Read it twice.

Pocket Hardcover $18.00 (10%, $2.00, off retail!)

Deluxe Leather & Gold Gilded Hardcover [a wonderful gift!] $18.00 (10%, $2.00, off retail!)

Paperback $13.50 (10%, $1.50, off retail!)

Audio Cassettes $20.70 (10%, $2.30, off retail!)

Audio Compact Disk $40.50 (10%, $4.50, off retail!)


Dark Night of the Soul, St. John of the Cross (E. Allison Peers, ed.) Scrupulously translated from the Spanish and insightfully annotated from the heart, Peers has illuminated St. John's classic work of mystical teachings. St. John recorded most of these lessons and mysterious experiences while in prison, first as a poem and then as a dissertation upon the stanzas. Yet the reader will quickly tire of this phenomenal prose unless he/she reads it with openness to God's love. Indeed, it is the penetrating essence of Love as divine Person which St. John reveals as the purest and tenderest of beings. Following St. John's revelation deeper, we learn that such Light of this world becomes perceived by the human seeker as the darkest of illuminata! Why? How can this be? As the infinite purity of God is invited into ourselves; as God's burning passion, which human sexuality only dimly imitates, beams and washes through us, we see more clearly the layers of unworthiness and self-centered attitudes which blind us. St. John shows how, even once the novice has been purged of sin, he can then perceive his own true aridity and density of darkness. This is what discourages so many genuinely pious priests, for many feel their refinement is complete when they reach some spiritual goal they set, as if they could set or conceive of God's goal for them. It is in this apparently abandoned, desolate state that the seeker must not lose faith. That mounting depression, self-doubt, fear and -- to be sure -- demonic attack upon the resolve and steadfastness of the soul will abate eventually if we cease not a continuous prayer life. We must pine for God as the abandoned child, even through humiliated and tortured tears, pines for her mother's return. Soon, and after a tremulous and scraping purgation, flashes of indescribable -- even ecstatic -- union with God build. For God will not cease refining and cleaving to us. But we can and too often do let go in fright, despair or distraction as we acutely realize our true state of darkness. That apparent sunset is the result of allowing blinding Love to approach, for God' embrace is too bright to withstand until He has finished remaking us. Only faith will steel us to allow the purgation to continue. Such faith is a gift of Love shielding and drawing us through the dark night of the soul. Thank you, St. John.

Paperback $8.76 (20%, $2.19, off retail!)

See also St. John's The Ascent of Mount Carmel, Paperback $10.36 (20%, $2.59, off retail!)


The Dead Sea Scrolls Translated, Florentino García Martínez. Finally a translation of the Dead Sea Scrolls which is what its marketing description purports it to be: an authoritative translation! Indeed, until this one, many books claiming to be translations were absolutely deceptive in that they contained almost exclusively history of the discoveries and peeves & moans about the Antiquities Authority's internal squabbles & politics. This is a most useful set of texts in one volume. It sheds light on the civilization of the Middle East as well as on spiritual issues. One particular oddity of the Bible has been the nonchalant mentioning of certain names, creatures and books without further reference, as if everyone knew of them from other texts and stories. Well, here is material for serious research on such issues. Example, Belial is mentioned once in all of the Bible (2 Cor 6:15) but hundreds of times in The Book of Jubilees and other illuminating Qumran texts. Giants are referred to in a mysterious, matter of fact way in Genesis, but only a quality translation of The Book of Giants scrolls will give you insight in to such "myth or history."

Paperback $27.00 (10%, $3.00, off retail!)


The Discovery of the Past, Alain Schnapp, et al. Perhaps the most comprehensive, and certainly the best-written, book detailing the major achievements of archaeology. Schapp looks forward also to the intriguing mysteries which lead to the sites of tomorrow as archaeologists continue to uncover clues to what is yet unfound but likely there. Examines archaeology even as practiced in ancient Babylon times! A marvelous book for perspective and guidance.

Hardcover $40.50, (10%, $4.50, off retail!)


The Eighth Day, Samuel Kurinsky. Kurinsky is trying to place generally well-deserved credit for a great number of Jewish contributions to modern societies. So, an agenda is obvious. The author has a very parochial view of archaeology and accuses other professionals of his own sin: "... those with a biased view of history are the very ones who refuse to care about the facts of [Egyptian & Hebrew legacies]." Yet, despite his "academic debate" approach to writing, this work is no boring ethnic self-praise. He notes the strong influence of the Akkadians upon the Hebrew trade and administrative law (but recall that Abraham was from among these people! Oh well!). It is packed with detailed and exhaustive analysis and findings, controversial conclusions (such as the profound economic and cultural impact of the Jews during their diasporas) which are well supported. This book is important, and a "must have" for the professional and serious hobbyist.

Hardcover $40.00


Fingerprints of the Gods, Graham Hancock. Does humanity have amnesia in that previous societies rose, fell due to climactic or other cataclysm, and were forgotten? Hancock presents substantial, shocking evidence - including the Sphinx having been constructed by pre-Egyptians during the Ice Age and the likelihood of a civilization that existed in Antarctica! These are eerily well supported! The best-selling author of The Sign and the Seal reveals the true origins of civilization. Connecting puzzling clues scattered throughout the world, Hancock discovers compelling evidence of a technologically and culturally advanced civilization that was destroyed and obliterated from human memory. Four 8-page photo inserts.

Paperback $24.75 (10%, $2.75, off retail!)


"Genesis: A Living Conversation" VHS video with Bill Moyers. Soon to be reviewed.

Hardcover edited by Betty Sue Flowers $26.96 (10%, $2.99, off retail!)

Audio Cassettes $26.96 (10%, $2.99, off retail!)

Video series $119.99


The Gold of Exodus, Howard Blum. To be reviewed. Description: In this enthralling story, bestselling author Howard Blum relates the daring attempt to locate the actual Mount Sinai: a story teeming with spies, kidnappings, the hunt for priceless treasures--and the headline-making revelations about the holiest place in the Bible. Featuring facts backed by scholars at Harvard and Johns Hopkins, this exciting tale reads like a novel, yet all of it is true.

Hardcover $17.50 (30%, $7.5, off retail!)

Audio Cassettes $14.40 (40%, $9.60, off retail!)


The Handwriting of God: Sacred Mysteries of the Bible, Grant R. Jeffrey. To be reviewed. Rebuilding the foundations of biblical authority. Astonishing new evidence about the Bible's authorship, authority and preservation, A Christian perspective on the Bible Codes, New Codes reveal the names of Jesus and His Disciples, etc. in Is. 53 plus many new code discoveries: Gulf War, Mid EAst Peace Process, Oklahoma Bombing, etc., Ancient Jewish manuscripts reveal their understanding of the Trinity, the phenomenal impact of Jesus on western history, the scientific Collapse of the Theory of Evolution, new archeological and scientific evidence prove the Bible's Divine authority. Concludes with an invitation to faith in Jesus Christ.

Paperback $11.19 (20%, $2.8, off retail!)


HarperCollins Study Bible, W. Meeks, ed. Many bibles claim merit as clear & accurate translations, as well illustrated or as informatively annotated. HC Study Bible surpasses all I have ever read. Though it is not artfully illustrated, its timelines, clarifying notes, insightful comments, historical referencing, tabular concordance, enlightening diagrams and maps, as well as its analytical/historical reports which preface each book make it the most useful Bible for archaeological research AND spiritual appreciation in English. Very handsome & suitable for a formal or other gift.

Hardcover $36.00 (10%, $4.00, off retail!)


The Koran, N. J. Dawood, trans. This is an outstanding modern English translation of the Qu'ran, the Word of God, as given to Muhammad by the angel Gabriel, albeit dictated into written scripture by men who, unlike the Apostles, were never claimed to have been divinely inspired.  It was, like the Christian gospels and Jewish scriptures, a generation before this scripture was written. The Koran endorses the Gospels as God's Truth, yet the Islamic faithful are rarely permitted, and never encouraged, to read them. The Gospels make clear, even without an explicit declaration, that Christ is God.   See John 8:58, one of many clear yet non-verbatim revelations of Christ as actually being God.  (One must ask how the Qu'ran can declare Jesus to have been merely a prophet and yet endorse as God's truth the four Gospels that reveal Him to be God... unless the Qu'ran was adulterated in its editing.)  Nevertheless, a clear sense of divine authenticity is felt while reading most of the Koran, although there is substantial evidence that its writing was not true to the prophet's oral message and that its message in  support of Christ's was adulterated.  Some say the Koran contains passages which cause one to wonder whether God's Word was filtered, perhaps by scribes, for a certain scorn and severity does rarely but definitely come through. Or could this be God's genuine anger at man's disobedience? Or it may even reflect His intentional division of faiths to challenge us to overcome our divisions with the Spirit of His Word, which is quite evident in this mysterious book. I cannot say for certain but I am convinced that this book contains the Word of God and that it is pertinent for those who would explore spiritual matters, history and archaeology.

Paperback $8.05 (10%, $0.90, off retail!)


Man’s Search for Meaning, Victor Frankl. If you can read this brief but true story of a survivor of a Nazi death camp with dry eyes, God help you. I have never read a more profound story of faith in action, love abiding in the midst of brutal inhumanity in my life. Frankl, a Christian Jew who is also quite existentialist, relates his experience of miracles which enabled him to live and help others to go on in resistance of deepest depression and degradation. After the war, his experiences became the basis for Logotherapy, his highly successful approach to the clinical treatment of depression. Despite that success, the psychoanalytical community ignored Logotherapy. This is an extremely powerful and graphic book, recommended for mature, open-minded readers. A truly important work.

Hardcover [a volume you'll be proud to have in your study!] $25.95

Paperback $5.39 (10%, $0.60, off retail!)

Audio Cassette $29.95


Message of the Sphinx, Graham Hancock and Robert Bauval. A more detailed & high-tech look, including new evidence, at who built the Sphinx and who first populated Northeast Africa. An important and exhaustively thorough (yet riveting!) examination of the facts and of reasonable suppositions. You'll never look at history the same way again and you'll want to run out, Indiana Jones hat & whip in hand! I'm a skeptic of this stuff and I am amazed: the evidence is compelling. Do not skip this reading experience!

Hardcover $24.75 (10%, $2.75, off retail!)


"Mysteries of the Bible" VHS video series from the Arts & Entertainment Channel. Narrated by Richard Kiley, this is the most intriguing series ever made on important archaeological and theological issues of the Bible. Examines alternate views of Christ, Judaism, historical and archaeological record & interpretation as well as scriptural origins. A must have for anyone intrigued by scripture and for the serious hobbyist or pro.

Deluxe video series volume 1 not currently available at Amazon $ (10% off retail!)

Deluxe Video series, volume 2 (New Testament) $99.99

Deluxe Video series, volume not numbered (Greatest Stories) $99.99

To order sets directly from A&E Home Video, call 1-800-625-9000.


Mysteries of the Bible: The Enduring Questions of the Scriptures, Readers Digest. To be reviewed. Moses parting the Red Sea? The collapse of Jericho's walls at a trumpet's blast? Raising the dead? An assortment of articles by theologians, historians, archaeologists, and other distinguished specialists explore such mysteries of the Bible for the general reader. Beautifully illustrated by ancient and classical art and contemporary photographs, the articles are supplemented with time lines, maps, and genealogies. Over 200 color photos. 300 illust. 65 two-color and b&w drawings, photos, maps & charts.

Paperback $15.16 (20%, $2.79, off retail!)


Mysteries & Intrigues of the Bible, J. A. Michaels. To be reviewed. Unlike many trivia books, Mysteries and Intrigues of the Bible promotes Bible knowledge in an informal, entertaining style that will keep readers glued to the page as they explore the Bible and its perplexities.

Paperback $10.39 (20%, $2.60, off retail!)


Original Teachings of Ch'an Buddhism, Chang Chung-Yuan, Trans. Zen Buddhism is cryptic to most Westerners, and often is seen, out of ignorance, as having evil aspects. Nothing could be farther from the Truth, for it is inner Truth which these writings prod one to seek. To be sure, the odd method of using impossible statements, like nonsensical riddles, is confusing. This practice is a higher-level exercise used to force thinking from earthly logic into total embrace of spiritual, wordless thought. Yet, there is wisdom galore in this text's plainer words and it should become a part of all thoughtful people's library and frequent reading. The essays of more modern masters are particularly helpful in gaining understanding of the original writings.

Paperback $12.60 (10%, $1.40, off retail!)


Parallel Myths, J. F. Bierlein. I was struck by more than Bierlein's wonderfully lucid and enthralling style. Even though others had found most of the mythic & scriptural patterns, Bierlein's intriguing evidentiary quotations and disciplined background & contextual analysis gave me goosebumps. He is not only on to something mysterious here but he has courageously related the inspiration he felt as he explored the undeniable spiritual realities embedded in the roots of civilization. Others' comments include: "Religious scholar J.F. Bierlein gathers key myths from the world's major traditions, drawing from the works of Joseph Campbell, Carl Jung, and others, to reveal their common themes, images, and meanings. He vividly retells creation, flood, morality, and underworld myths, among others." Professional and hobbyist archaeologists, adventurers and anyone concerned with matters spiritual must acquire and absorb this important work.

Paperback $12.60 (10%, $1.40, off retail!)


Passion of the Saints, Masterful home video from the Discovery Channel and The Learning Channel. This marvelous documentary series highlights the lives and deaths of a growing list of saints, how the Church historically and currently canonizes venerable persons. Key miracles, the psychology and personal lives of featured saints are explored. The shrines, the evidence, the martyrdoms, the passion -- all of this you will vividly experience through this inspiring & enlightening collection.

Call Discovery/TLC at (800) 475-6636


Patterns in Comparative Religion, Mircea Eliade. A triumph of insightful and disciplined scholarship! This intriguing study examines the symbolic in literature art and tradition to find the cores of spiritual traditions past and present. It blazes new ground by evidences of rites and design from similarities of architecture at Mohenjo-Daro, Buddhist temples, Hellenic sites and more. Finding similarities does not infer intentional or universal patterning of worship or ritual. But it does provide both fascination and new avenues for future investigation. Eliade has provided the latest and perhaps most powerful motivation to look afresh at archaeological and scriptural evidences of humanity’s universal and timeless sense of the divine.

Paperback $16.16 (10%, $1.79, off retail!)


At Peace In the Light, Dannion Brinkley. Soon to be reviewed. Continued experiences and advice from the author of Saved by the Light.

Hardcover $18.00 (10%, $2.00, off retail!)

Paperback $5.30 (10%, $0.60, off retail!)

Audio Cassettes $15.30 (10%, $1.70, off retail!)


"QuickVerse for Windows" software, Parsons Technology. What a marvelous tool! Anyone can study any Bible. But QuickVerse lets you add modules of notes sets and several translations. You can compare references & translations, research patterns, track references, search for phrases, see charts and maps and much more. It keeps track of where you’ve been reading in a session (or many sessions) so you can always find what you were working on as you hop from reference to reference. It is very easy to use and, while it has a manual, you can operate it without reading directions! For serious scholars and anyone researching scripture. ...Marketing description: Enhances your understanding with maps, concordances, study Bibles and more with this comprehensive collection. Deluxe pack includes QuickVerse for Windows (NIV, Quick Verse Translations--KJV, NKJV, NRSV, NAS Bible and NAS Bible '95), Nave's Topical Bible, Strong's Concordance with Hebrew and Greek Dictionaries, Holman Bible Dictionary for Windows, PC Bible Atlas for Windows, NAS Bible Exhaustive Concordance, Believer's Study Bible, Ryrie Study Bible, Expanded Ed., New Scofield Study Bible, Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary on the World Bible and Treasury of Scripture Knowledge. System Requirements: IBM or compatible PC, and MPC or compatible CD-ROM drive; Windows 3.1 or later running in enhanced mode; 42MB HD space.

Software $70.74 Deluxe Pack w/Reference version on CD ROM disk

Software $58.63 New Bible Trans w/Reference version on CD ROM disk

Software $13.92 King James version only on 3 1/2 inch disk

Software $16.76 NIV for DOS version on 3 1/2 inch disk


Return to Sodom and Gomorrah, Charles Pellegrino. An absolutely fascinating investigation of biblical historical accuracy. It is flawless except for one thing: It's author convincingly proves that numerous allegedly miraculous events, such as the parting of the Red (Reed) Sea when Moses needed to cross, did occur. He asserts that these were natural occurrences which are easily explained by modern science, and which biblical scribes misinterpreted to have been miracles. Pellegrino concludes that this, his assertion, shows these events to have had no connection with divine intervention. Hmm. Logical flaws: Aside from using an assertion as evidence, he ignores the possibility that genuine divine intervention could have been manifested through natural mechanisms. Why might God have used natural mechanisms? Perhaps to challenge people's faith in the modern world! Though scientifically a remote possibility, this latter possibility is one which the author does conveniently ignore in his "inescapable" conclusions ... which are supported in some cases by mere assertions. Nevertheless, this book is fascinating and reads like a thriller or adventure story. Most of the scientific discoveries described remain ground-breaking work and no one, regardless of faith or skepticism, should be without this enthralling and important book.

Hardcover $22.50 (10%, $2.50, off retail!)

Paperback $11.25 (10%, $1.25, off retail!)


Saved by the Light, Dannion Brinkley. Soon to be reviewed. Experiences from a reluctant mystic who had two near-death experiences. Includes the odd occurrences which ensued the experiences and advice for selfless living.

Hardcover $24.95

Paperback $5.39 (10%, $0.60, off retail!)


Sign and the Seal: Quest for the Lost Ark of the Covenant, Graham Hancock. Where could it be? Is it with us today? You'd be surprised to learn that it's probably resting in Axsom, Ethiopia right now!

Oversized paperback $13.50 (10%, $1.50, off retail!)



Smithsonian Timelines of the Ancient World, Chris Scarre. This marvelous reference does more than trace linear timelines of life on earth from its origins to present day: It explains the pertinence of the various points of natural and human history to our world and our civilization. The focus is primarily on human history and this book does a fine job of that! Easy to comprehend yet useful to a professional, this wonderfully illustrated volume is as entertaining as it is informative. The world-renowned Smithsonian research staff, illustrators and archaeologist Chris Scarre placed history into perspective for every inquisitive reader!

Hardcover $44.96 (10%, $4.99, off retail!)


"Sphinx" VHS videos, Narrated by Charlton Heston. Now this is fascinating! Could the Sphinx have been built in Neolithic times?! Who were its builders and what else might they have left the world?

Video $29.99


The Twelfth Planet, Zecharia Sitchin. The first of five books in The Earth Chronicles series. Like the popular Chariots of the Gods, this series cites numerous ancient references to space and the gods or intruders and concludes that the weight of the evidence proves that early humans were visited by aliens. Perhaps they were; perhaps not but Sitchin stretches every association and presents correlation as proof. I do recommend owning or using the entire series to the serious lay or professional investigator because the research citations are quite useful for anyone intrigued by the issues he raises. Also, a few of his suppositions are well supported. Examples of why I level the criticism: An ancient Mesopotamian poem proclaims Babylon to be an earthly replica of a divine city in the heavens. Must ancient writings be truthful? A researcher must SET OUT to test a hypothesis, not to prove or assemble only evidence supporting a suspicion. Other books in the series, such as Lost Realms (Hardcover $17.96), Wars of Gods and Men (Hardcover $20.66), When Time Began (Hardcover $20.66), and Stairway to Heaven (Hardcover $19.76), are interesting & have some intriguing facts but all have this same flaw of argument. Genesis Revisited (Hardcover $19.76) especially, is a valuable compilation of intriguing archaeological finds and scriptural references – many of which raise all of the mysterious questions Sitchin raises and more!

Hardcover $20.66 (10%, $2.29, off retail!)

Paperback $6.29 (10%, $0.70, off retail!)

Audio Cassette $16.16 (10%, $1.79, off retail!)


The Upanishads, Eknath Easwaran, trans. A series of wisdoms, songs and treatises from various Hindu seekers of Truth early in the first millennium a.d.. What is striking is the peace and mystery which they impart, and their below the surface similarity to the heart of Muslim and Judeo-Christian scripture.

Paperback $9.95 (10%, $1.00, off retail!)


When the Sky Fell, Rand and Rose Flem-Ath. This intriguing and well-written book is a study of the scientific debate over Atlantis. It is disciplined in that it does not attempt to prove a preconceived notion. However, comparisons of the recent scientific surveys of the actual land mass of Antarctica with Egyptian maps of Atlantis, along with a vast array of other evidence such as myth comparisons, does lead to a tentative yet amazing conclusion: Ice can form extremely fast and Atlantis was a real civilization now buried miles deep in ice!

Hardcover $19.76 (10%, $2.19, off retail!)


Why be Jewish, Rabbi David Wolpe. I once heard someone say that Judaism is a dying religion, an anachronism to be relegated to archaeological and religious history texts. Wrong! Read Wolpe. You will discover otherwise. Perhaps, though, this brief, vibrant and readable treatise is important for a fascinating oversight: It's stated goal is to engender such an understanding of the very personal spirit of Judaism in the reader so that the reader will appreciate and practice Judaism. Non-Jews should read this inspiring and informative work while mentally substituting references to their own religion in place of references to Judaism. Except for certain historical items, the essence of the argument becomes a powerfully effective - and accurate - one for ANY of the major religions! No, I'm not joking and I am quite familiar with all of them. This observation draws us to an intriguing insight: Just Who is the Spirit of Judaism, of Hinduism, of Catholicism, of Protestantism ... ? A great gift for any Jew or gentile, practicing or not.

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